Collaborations and Affiliations
The Calgary I/O program values the relationships it has with other members of the university, educational bodies, professional associations, and business collaborators. Just a few of these collaborations and affiliations are listed here.
If you are interested in collaborating with the program please email the program director for more information
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Psychology Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
The I/O program fully supports the efforts of the Psychology EDI Committee and is committed to ongoing development and practice of EDI principles and policies within the program.
The I/O program has graduate students and faculty members who serve on this committee
Educational Programs
The I/O program includes adjunct professors from other Calgary institutions including the Haskayne School of Business and Mount Royal University.
Haskayne School of Business - Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
The I/O program has adjunct professors based in the OBHR area
Bissett School of Business - Management
The I/O program has adjunct professors based in the Management area
Professional Associations
The students and faculty of the I/O program are affiliated with many professional associations. Many members have served in active roles as committee members, facilitators, or student representatives.
Recent Business and Organizational Collaborations
Students and faculty have many opportunities to work on applied projects with companies and businesses. Our coursework involves a practical component, requiring students to apply their knowledge to generate best practices for businesses.
Calgary Police Services
Alberta Health Services
Tamarack Institute
United Way
The Leadership Success Group
Are you interested in collaborating with the ucalgary IO program? Please email the program director for more information